Monday, March 21, 2011

Dashawan Beach Facilities Architecture-Liandao Island

The parcel locates on the east seafront of Liandao island of Lianyungang, an nascent harbor municipality thriving in the intermediate music of the coastline of Prc. The beach hosts roughly 20,000 swimmers everyday in the acme experience of season. We were authorised to system new facilities for town writer, edifice & bars, fitness, entertainment and accommodations to have the needs of maximizing foregather.

Confronting eastside to the Peaceful Ocean, the antiquity lay on the hillside with 3 Y-shape slabs. The stacking and setback platforms of the slabs administer earthbound flows to various levels from the main accounting of the beach, while gift terrific views for all floors of the building. The independent and energising communicate of the Y-shape slabs was stimulated by the biology system of the ocean gesticulate, it provides opportunities for disparate usable volumes to interact with each additional and creates impulsive experience of unobstructed spaces on and below the roofs. These hundreds-meter-long slab buildings establish a scrap playscript with both the inshore mount and wave topography of the ocean, hence to existing.

Owner : Zhu Xiaofeng
Scenic Architecture Office
No.6 Lane 365 Xinhua Road
Building 9 - 3A
200052 Shanghai
Phone +86 21 6294 8898
Fax +86 21 6289 8381