Understanding Akhlaq
Akhlaq (plural of khulq; temperament, disposition, disposition) is the ability / condition jjiwa which is the source of all human activities are carried out spontaneously without pemikira. Akhlaq form of training and repetitive practice (habituation). So if it is a moral not easily removed.
Akhlaq has a major position, even a peak, in Islam. hadith reveal some moral altitude.
"I was sent to perfect moral man."
"Religion is good morality"
"The best man was the best aik akhlaqnya."
Akhlaq have a broad scope, which includes the relationship to God, people, and environment. Akhlaq in Islam can not be separated and closely associated with aqidah and sharia, it is a fruit and also the culmination of both. emphasize moral virtues, values, kemulian and purity (liver and behavior). Islami Akhlaq should strive for a system of values (ethical / moral), the underlying culture of the community. According to the function that we must look up, morality is divided into two kinds:
1. Personal morality
Good morality stems from the devotion of God on the move. besides that good morality is a manifestation of the ability to withstand the passions and the sense of someone berakhlaq malu.Agar well he must always weigh their actions with a clean conscience. one of the signs of good morality if it brings peace of mind, otherwise if you bring in doubts and would like other people do not know a moral gesture that buruk.Banyak once noble morality (akhlaqul karimah) which should become a Muslim ornamentation, as well as a lot of bad morality (akhlaqul madzmumah ) that must be avoided.
Some of the noble morality:
1. Away from the deeds and words are in vain
2. Patience and not grumpy
3. PIETY (not greedy to the world and luxury)
4. Reptile
5. Kind and helpful
6. Amanah (credible)
7. Assume good
8. Tolerant and gracefully
9. Empathy for the suffering of others.
If we always do good better and draw closer to Allaah, then God will "blend" within ourselves.
2. Akhlaq Intercourse
Akhlaq social good neighbor to the fundamental teachings of Islam to achieve a noble society. Islam teaches that human beings have an equal footing because she comes from a common ancestor (4:1), and the degree of the actual position is determined by ketaqwaannya (49:13). Perbedaab culture and race is precisely the sign of the power of Allah SWT (30: 22), which is useful to be known each other for identity-knowing (49: 13). Nature megagungkan descent, race, ethnicity, or class is the attitudes of ignorance, which is opposed to Islam. Islam upholds tolerance and egalitarian. As the Islamic community has a privilege in the field of doctrinal camps, worship and thought, then he also has the privilege of morality and virtue in the matter.
Morality and virtue is an important portion of kewujudan Islamic society. They are the people who know the equation of justice, virtue and compassion, honesty and trust, patience and loyalty, shame and loyalty, 'Izzah and ketawadhu'an, generosity and courage, struggle and sacrifice, cleanliness and beauty, simplicity and balance, forgiving and Trustees, as well as advise and cooperate with each other (ta'awun).
They beramar nahi ma'ruf and unjust, doing all kinds of goodness and glory, moral virtue, all with the intention sincere for Allah, repent and put their trust in Him, fear Him and hope the threat of his mercy. Glorifying syiar-syiarNya, pleased to gain His good pleasure, to avoid His wrath, and others from Rabbaniyah values that have been forgotten by many people.
When we talk about morality, then morality is not only about the relationship between man and man alone, but it includes man's relationship with its creator as well. Islamic societies since the small things that have been forbidden all forms of damage and bad morality. Even in some of the problems to be hard, so put it in the category of major sins. Like for example pengharaman wine and gambling, both regarded as dirty deeds of the devil deeds. Then pengharaman adultery and every deed that close or assist the implementation of adultery.
As a sexual disorder (pondan, maknyah, penkid) that it is a sign of damage to nature and the loss of manhood (or womanhood). Islam also prohibits the public practice of usury and eat someone else's property with a false path, especially if that person is weak, such as orphaned children. Also prohibits the rebellious attitude toward his parents, relatives disconnect, annoying neighbors, to hurt another person either with verbal or hand, and made between the signs of hypocrisy like: lie, betray, do not keep their promises, and other abuses.
Against any damage that deviate from fithrah a healthy and intelligent mind, then Islam came to deny it and continue to deny it. Likewise, noble morality in accordance with fithrah a healthy and sane mind that would give happiness for individuals and society therefore Islam has been confirmed and ordered as well as recommend it.
For anyone who read the Book of Allah and the hadiths of Prophet SAW will see that true morality and virtue that is one of the main pillars of Islamic society and not something that was on the edge or a side issue in life. Including the morality of the Qur'an mention the main properties and those who believe and devoted, in which there is no other than those who entered heaven, nothing can survive the fires of hell and nothing other than they can achieve happiness hereafter world apart from them.
Akhlaq is part of the branches of faith, where no one's perfect faith except by decorating it with her faith. Whoever turns away from the morality of Islam then he has been away from the properties of those who believe and deal with the wrath of God and laknatNya.
Verily thou (Muhammad) is really great have a certain character "(Al Pen: 4). Is there anyone who does not like jewelry? answer to this question is clear, that no one but she likes jewelry and ornate pleasure to appear before anyone. Therefore, we see a lot of people compete to improve her appearance. There are more important jewelry dhahir (outside) with the addition of accessories sepertipakaian nice, luxurious makeup and gold jewelry, so invite click amazed those who saw. There is also an attempt to improve the quality of character, improves with Islamic morality.
The latter is certainly not a man who sought click amazed, but because of his religious consciousness so demands, accompanied by the hope of getting the reward from Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Even if his appearance invites praise of people, he soon returned to God for Him belongs all praise and He alone is entitled to be praised.
B. Prioritize Islamic Akhlaq
Perhaps many of us less attention to moral issues. On one side we put monotheism is indeed a matter of principal / core of this religion, seeks to examine and study it, but the other in moral issues less attention. So that can not be blamed if there are complaints that came out of the layman, like a greeting: "Well already understand why religion brash same parents." Or words: "He does a good religion but the same ignorant neighbors.", Etc. other.
Utterances should like this or the like with this a whip for us to make amends and fix the character. Islam is not religion that ignores morality, even Islamic character importance. To remember that monotheism as the main / core of Islam which is supposed to be our priority, but it does not mean ignoring the case perfection. And character has a close relationship. Tawhid is the realization of the character of a servant of God and this is a core principal character of a servant. A man and a good bertauhid ruqyah meant he was best man. The more perfect unity ruqyah someone the better, and vice versa when a muwahhid have a bad character means weak tauhidnya.
C. Sent to Improve Akhlaq Rosulullah
Muhammad Shalallahu 'alayhi wa salam, our glorious apostle praised God. Because the height of his character as his word in surat Al-Pen paragraph 4. he even Shalallahu 'alaihi wa sallam himself asserted that his arrival was to improve the morals that exist in human beings, "Only I was sent (by God) to perfect good character." (HR.Ahmad, see Ash or higher by the Ash Shaykh al-Bani No.45 and he menshahihkannya).
Anas bin Malik radhiallahu 'anhu a noble friend said: "The Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wa sallam is the best man in attitude." (HR.Bukhari and Muslim). In another hadith Anas he praised Allaah alahi wasallam: "I've never touched a thick or thin silk finer than the hand of the Messenger of Allaah upon him blessings. I also have never smelled more fragrant than the smell of the Messenger of Allaah upon him blessings. For ten years I served the Messenger of Allaah wa sallam alahi, I have never yelled at or reprimanded my actions: why are you doing this? or why you do not do it? "(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).
Morals are a benchmark of perfection of the faith of a servant, as has been spoken by the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam: "The most perfect believers are the best ruqyah faith." (Reported by Tirmidhi, from the ashes Hurayrah, also narrated by Ahmad. Validated Al Bani Ash or higher in No.284 and 751). In Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Abdillah bin amr bin al 'Ash radhiallahu' anhuma mentioned: "Verily, the best to you guys is the best ruqyah."
D. Primacy Akhlaq
Abu Hurayrah reported that someday rashulullah was asked about the criteria for the most people into heaven. He Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Taqwa to Allah and Good Morals." (Hadith Sahih Tirmidhi History, also narrated by Imam Ahmad. See Riyadus Sholihin no.627, tahqiq Rabbah and Daqqaq).
When the Messenger of Allaah upon him blessings and advised his friend, he Allaah alahi wasallam between counsel for the devoted couple with the advice to hang out / have a certain character to the human good as the hadith from abi Dhar, he said that rashulullah Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Allah wherever Bertaqwalah and greet you in the bad deeds with good deeds surely goodness and ugliness that would cover hang out with people with good morals. "(Reported by Tirmidhi, who said: hasan hadeeth, and dishahihkan by Shaikh Al Salim Al Hilali).
In the scales (mizan) charity on the Day of Resurrection there is no more severe than in aklak good, as word of the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam: "Something that most weight in mizan (scales of a servant) is a good character." (Narrated by Abu Daud and Ahmad, dishahihkan Al Bani. See ash or higher Juz 2 things 535). Also the word of his: "Verily, the most important thing in mizan (scales) on the Day of Judgement is a good character." (Narrated by Ahmad, al-Bani dishahihkan. See Ash juz 2 hal.535 or higher).
From Jabir radhiallahu 'anhu said: Rashulullah Shalallahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Verily, my people's most loved and most close to me majelisnya on the Day of Resurrection is the best attitude." (Narrated by Tirmidhi with a hasan chain. Narrated by Ahmad also and dishahihkan by Ibn Hibbaan. See Ash or higher Juz 2 things 418-419).
From the hadiths above can be understood that the best character to have a high virtue. Therefore it is appropriate that every Muslim mengambilakhlak good as her jewelry. To remember that the size is good or bad of a character not be weighed according to individual taste, not too black and white morality of it according to man-made custom size. Because it might be, which is considered good by the customary bad-value scale according to Shari'ah, or vice versa.
It is clear to us that everything is based on the Shari'a, in all issues, including morality. This shari'ah of God as Creator, all-knowing with the breadth of his knowledge of what to bring kemashlahatan / good for His servants. Allaah the Exalted knows best.
Akhlaq (plural of khulq; temperament, disposition, disposition) is the ability / condition jjiwa which is the source of all human activities are carried out spontaneously without pemikira. Akhlaq form of training and repetitive practice (habituation). So if it is a moral not easily removed.
Akhlaq has a major position, even a peak, in Islam. hadith reveal some moral altitude.
"I was sent to perfect moral man."
"Religion is good morality"
"The best man was the best aik akhlaqnya."
Akhlaq have a broad scope, which includes the relationship to God, people, and environment. Akhlaq in Islam can not be separated and closely associated with aqidah and sharia, it is a fruit and also the culmination of both. emphasize moral virtues, values, kemulian and purity (liver and behavior). Islami Akhlaq should strive for a system of values (ethical / moral), the underlying culture of the community. According to the function that we must look up, morality is divided into two kinds:
1. Personal morality
Good morality stems from the devotion of God on the move. besides that good morality is a manifestation of the ability to withstand the passions and the sense of someone berakhlaq malu.Agar well he must always weigh their actions with a clean conscience. one of the signs of good morality if it brings peace of mind, otherwise if you bring in doubts and would like other people do not know a moral gesture that buruk.Banyak once noble morality (akhlaqul karimah) which should become a Muslim ornamentation, as well as a lot of bad morality (akhlaqul madzmumah ) that must be avoided.
Some of the noble morality:
1. Away from the deeds and words are in vain
2. Patience and not grumpy
3. PIETY (not greedy to the world and luxury)
4. Reptile
5. Kind and helpful
6. Amanah (credible)
7. Assume good
8. Tolerant and gracefully
9. Empathy for the suffering of others.
If we always do good better and draw closer to Allaah, then God will "blend" within ourselves.
2. Akhlaq Intercourse
Akhlaq social good neighbor to the fundamental teachings of Islam to achieve a noble society. Islam teaches that human beings have an equal footing because she comes from a common ancestor (4:1), and the degree of the actual position is determined by ketaqwaannya (49:13). Perbedaab culture and race is precisely the sign of the power of Allah SWT (30: 22), which is useful to be known each other for identity-knowing (49: 13). Nature megagungkan descent, race, ethnicity, or class is the attitudes of ignorance, which is opposed to Islam. Islam upholds tolerance and egalitarian. As the Islamic community has a privilege in the field of doctrinal camps, worship and thought, then he also has the privilege of morality and virtue in the matter.
Morality and virtue is an important portion of kewujudan Islamic society. They are the people who know the equation of justice, virtue and compassion, honesty and trust, patience and loyalty, shame and loyalty, 'Izzah and ketawadhu'an, generosity and courage, struggle and sacrifice, cleanliness and beauty, simplicity and balance, forgiving and Trustees, as well as advise and cooperate with each other (ta'awun).
They beramar nahi ma'ruf and unjust, doing all kinds of goodness and glory, moral virtue, all with the intention sincere for Allah, repent and put their trust in Him, fear Him and hope the threat of his mercy. Glorifying syiar-syiarNya, pleased to gain His good pleasure, to avoid His wrath, and others from Rabbaniyah values that have been forgotten by many people.
When we talk about morality, then morality is not only about the relationship between man and man alone, but it includes man's relationship with its creator as well. Islamic societies since the small things that have been forbidden all forms of damage and bad morality. Even in some of the problems to be hard, so put it in the category of major sins. Like for example pengharaman wine and gambling, both regarded as dirty deeds of the devil deeds. Then pengharaman adultery and every deed that close or assist the implementation of adultery.
As a sexual disorder (pondan, maknyah, penkid) that it is a sign of damage to nature and the loss of manhood (or womanhood). Islam also prohibits the public practice of usury and eat someone else's property with a false path, especially if that person is weak, such as orphaned children. Also prohibits the rebellious attitude toward his parents, relatives disconnect, annoying neighbors, to hurt another person either with verbal or hand, and made between the signs of hypocrisy like: lie, betray, do not keep their promises, and other abuses.
Against any damage that deviate from fithrah a healthy and intelligent mind, then Islam came to deny it and continue to deny it. Likewise, noble morality in accordance with fithrah a healthy and sane mind that would give happiness for individuals and society therefore Islam has been confirmed and ordered as well as recommend it.
For anyone who read the Book of Allah and the hadiths of Prophet SAW will see that true morality and virtue that is one of the main pillars of Islamic society and not something that was on the edge or a side issue in life. Including the morality of the Qur'an mention the main properties and those who believe and devoted, in which there is no other than those who entered heaven, nothing can survive the fires of hell and nothing other than they can achieve happiness hereafter world apart from them.
Akhlaq is part of the branches of faith, where no one's perfect faith except by decorating it with her faith. Whoever turns away from the morality of Islam then he has been away from the properties of those who believe and deal with the wrath of God and laknatNya.
Verily thou (Muhammad) is really great have a certain character "(Al Pen: 4). Is there anyone who does not like jewelry? answer to this question is clear, that no one but she likes jewelry and ornate pleasure to appear before anyone. Therefore, we see a lot of people compete to improve her appearance. There are more important jewelry dhahir (outside) with the addition of accessories sepertipakaian nice, luxurious makeup and gold jewelry, so invite click amazed those who saw. There is also an attempt to improve the quality of character, improves with Islamic morality.
The latter is certainly not a man who sought click amazed, but because of his religious consciousness so demands, accompanied by the hope of getting the reward from Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Even if his appearance invites praise of people, he soon returned to God for Him belongs all praise and He alone is entitled to be praised.
B. Prioritize Islamic Akhlaq
Perhaps many of us less attention to moral issues. On one side we put monotheism is indeed a matter of principal / core of this religion, seeks to examine and study it, but the other in moral issues less attention. So that can not be blamed if there are complaints that came out of the layman, like a greeting: "Well already understand why religion brash same parents." Or words: "He does a good religion but the same ignorant neighbors.", Etc. other.
Utterances should like this or the like with this a whip for us to make amends and fix the character. Islam is not religion that ignores morality, even Islamic character importance. To remember that monotheism as the main / core of Islam which is supposed to be our priority, but it does not mean ignoring the case perfection. And character has a close relationship. Tawhid is the realization of the character of a servant of God and this is a core principal character of a servant. A man and a good bertauhid ruqyah meant he was best man. The more perfect unity ruqyah someone the better, and vice versa when a muwahhid have a bad character means weak tauhidnya.
C. Sent to Improve Akhlaq Rosulullah
Muhammad Shalallahu 'alayhi wa salam, our glorious apostle praised God. Because the height of his character as his word in surat Al-Pen paragraph 4. he even Shalallahu 'alaihi wa sallam himself asserted that his arrival was to improve the morals that exist in human beings, "Only I was sent (by God) to perfect good character." (HR.Ahmad, see Ash or higher by the Ash Shaykh al-Bani No.45 and he menshahihkannya).
Anas bin Malik radhiallahu 'anhu a noble friend said: "The Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wa sallam is the best man in attitude." (HR.Bukhari and Muslim). In another hadith Anas he praised Allaah alahi wasallam: "I've never touched a thick or thin silk finer than the hand of the Messenger of Allaah upon him blessings. I also have never smelled more fragrant than the smell of the Messenger of Allaah upon him blessings. For ten years I served the Messenger of Allaah wa sallam alahi, I have never yelled at or reprimanded my actions: why are you doing this? or why you do not do it? "(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).
Morals are a benchmark of perfection of the faith of a servant, as has been spoken by the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam: "The most perfect believers are the best ruqyah faith." (Reported by Tirmidhi, from the ashes Hurayrah, also narrated by Ahmad. Validated Al Bani Ash or higher in No.284 and 751). In Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Abdillah bin amr bin al 'Ash radhiallahu' anhuma mentioned: "Verily, the best to you guys is the best ruqyah."
D. Primacy Akhlaq
Abu Hurayrah reported that someday rashulullah was asked about the criteria for the most people into heaven. He Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Taqwa to Allah and Good Morals." (Hadith Sahih Tirmidhi History, also narrated by Imam Ahmad. See Riyadus Sholihin no.627, tahqiq Rabbah and Daqqaq).
When the Messenger of Allaah upon him blessings and advised his friend, he Allaah alahi wasallam between counsel for the devoted couple with the advice to hang out / have a certain character to the human good as the hadith from abi Dhar, he said that rashulullah Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Allah wherever Bertaqwalah and greet you in the bad deeds with good deeds surely goodness and ugliness that would cover hang out with people with good morals. "(Reported by Tirmidhi, who said: hasan hadeeth, and dishahihkan by Shaikh Al Salim Al Hilali).
In the scales (mizan) charity on the Day of Resurrection there is no more severe than in aklak good, as word of the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam: "Something that most weight in mizan (scales of a servant) is a good character." (Narrated by Abu Daud and Ahmad, dishahihkan Al Bani. See ash or higher Juz 2 things 535). Also the word of his: "Verily, the most important thing in mizan (scales) on the Day of Judgement is a good character." (Narrated by Ahmad, al-Bani dishahihkan. See Ash juz 2 hal.535 or higher).
From Jabir radhiallahu 'anhu said: Rashulullah Shalallahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Verily, my people's most loved and most close to me majelisnya on the Day of Resurrection is the best attitude." (Narrated by Tirmidhi with a hasan chain. Narrated by Ahmad also and dishahihkan by Ibn Hibbaan. See Ash or higher Juz 2 things 418-419).
From the hadiths above can be understood that the best character to have a high virtue. Therefore it is appropriate that every Muslim mengambilakhlak good as her jewelry. To remember that the size is good or bad of a character not be weighed according to individual taste, not too black and white morality of it according to man-made custom size. Because it might be, which is considered good by the customary bad-value scale according to Shari'ah, or vice versa.
It is clear to us that everything is based on the Shari'a, in all issues, including morality. This shari'ah of God as Creator, all-knowing with the breadth of his knowledge of what to bring kemashlahatan / good for His servants. Allaah the Exalted knows best.
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